A used Lotus Elise will be the same as a brand new one. The only difference is that you will be paying lesser. When you are buying a used car then you need to make sure that you check the start up. Because n case there is any problem with the car, you will be able to analyze the problem once you start it. Then the next thing you need to do is take it for a test drive. Because once you are actually driving the car you will know if there are any more problems with it. Usually the previous user will take good of his or her Lotus Elise, but just to be on the safer side you need to make sure that the vehicle functions properly.

It is always preferable to buy these from a dealer. He will make sure that all the problems are rectified and then put it up for sale. A reputable dealer will sell you a Lotus Elise which will look brand new but you will be paying lesser. You need to really look for a reputable and reliable dealer if you want to make savings on your investments. He will also allow you to buy your vehicle on a loan, so you won't have to pay the entire amount at once. This is more convenient as it is not always possible to make payments at once.